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In a gallery, three artists stand in front of their own work. Cindy, Lyle, and John are all famous (and one of them is dead), but that doesn't mean they don't have anything to say. Hung side by side in front of a paying audience whether they like it or not, they must each take the stand to defend their place in the canon. A portrait of art, painted with strokes of history, culture, race, gender, identity, and how none of us but secretly all of us want to be in coffee table books.


Based on the work and artists presented at Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center's June exhibition, All New Women, Exquisite Corpse Company joins the show in this originial site specific piece.


Written by Matthew Minnicino & Laura Zlatos 


Directed by Tess Howsam


Original Music by Gabriel King Medd

Featuring Lee Collins, Blaire O'Leary, & Danny Wilfred 


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